
01.02. - 30.4.2023
Hotel Das Kronthaler, Achenkirch
01. - 04.06.2023
Kesselhaus, Innsbruck
26. - 29.10.2023
ARTfair, Innsbruck
18.11.2023 - 18.2.2024
Die Bachschmiede, Salzburg/Wals
12.6. - 05.07.2024
Seehof, Innsbruck
ZONE, Wörgl (A)
ART Olympiahalle, Innsbruck (A)
01.07. - 31.08.2025
Privatklinik Hochrum, Rum (A)
Eva Lind discovered her love of painting many years ago. A major theme of her paintings are the exciting interpretations of great masterpieces of opera as well as art song. An absolutely special feature is that Eva Lind incorporates her original scores into the paintings. She virtuously combines the most diverse techniques such as painting, photography and collages. This creates unique works, whether abstract or representational. It is fascinating for every viewer how Eva Lind allows the stories and messages of music to be experienced anew on canvas.